♪ Pa-pum ♪
Previously on The Dragon Prince…
Scalom Ingico.
For the…
-[stabs] -[groans]
My mother passed away today.
This is her spirit flame.
No open flames. The whole camp will catch fire.
[groans in pain]
Oh, my time has come.
My return to this world is inevitable.
[theme music playing]
Callum, do you know the Draconic words?
The ones Zubeia said?
[melancholic music playing]
Sepultura Caelo.
[wind rustling]
[dragon wings flutter]
[Rayla] It's so strange.
Last time I was here, I leapt to my certain death.
But then you spread your wings and you saved me.
So much has happened since then.
Are you okay?
Not really.
Do you want to talk about it?
Ding, ding, ding. Meeting time.
I just got this crazy feeling that this happened before.
This is all connected.
Someone is working to free Aaravos. But who?
[Soren] My sister.
How do you know?
It's like she said, it's all connected.
It must have been Aaravos whispering to my dad through this mirror all along.
Now he's gone.
Claudia's powerful, desperate…
and she's picking up where he left off.
Plus that's her bracelet.
Then we have to find Claudia and stop her.
How? I spent every moment of the last two years of my life
hunting for her, and I failed.
We don't know where she is, but we do know what she's looking for.
We have to find it first.
Zubeia, you told us that Aaravos's prison was a secret.
That each of the Archdragons had a piece of the puzzle.
With their help, could we solve it before Claudia does?
Rex Igneous, the Archdragon of Earth,
he may hold a clue to the prison's location.
Rex lives beneath the great mountain of Umber Tor.
Come, we fly.
No. You stay here, Zym.
It is too dangerous.
I will not lose you again.
The mysterious being hasn't said anything yet,
but look at this ooze.
It's liquid, it's solid.
It's got an elegant sheen, and, uh, post viscosity.
[soft snarl]
[shushes] Please, please I…
I think it's about to speak.
Behold the messenger of Aaravos!
Guide us, direct us to our destiny!
I am listening.
[soft growls]
[soft growls]
Maybe it wants us to name it.
How about…
Even this goo-spitting homunculus
does not deserve a name as undignified as Sparklepuff.
More dignified. Hmm. I got it!
Sir Sparklepuff. See!
It likes it.
Wait! Ugh, Sir Sparklepuff!
[Zubeia's wings flutter]
[melancholic music playing]
Ah, it's nice being one of the good guys this time.
Humans. Elves. Dragons.
We're a Dragang! [laughs]
It's kind of the humans to bring their court jester on the journey.
I'm not a jester.
I'm the head Crownguard.
It's like the Dragonguard but the… Ezranguard.
Well, if your sword is as sharp as your wit,
then the young king is in good hands.
Wow, but thank you. Uh, dragons are so nice.
Were you hurt? What happened?
I'm fine.
There was a disagreement in the camp about an open flame.
Things got… well, heated,
and one of the human civilians was injured.
Her name is Lucia.
She's the chief architect.
She came from Katolis to help set up the camp,
and fix up the ruins.
[Gren] She's healing.
Surely things will calm down now, right?
[Zubeia's wings flutter]
[Zubeia] There it is. The Great Mountain of the East.
Umber Tor.
-I'm not sure if anyone's-- -[rumbling]
-Ah. -Go.
We are the guardians of the Gates of Umber Tor.
Guardians is a bit much, don't you think?
We're more like doormen.
Guardianship of this gate is a sacred duty.
I've been saying this for 500 years.
Yes, but do we really guard it? We just open and close--
Enough bickering. Open the doors.
We must see Rex Igneous.
Rex Igneous is not accepting visitors.
Maybe try back next century?
Hey. I know you guys are just trying to do your job but--
I am the Dragon Queen!
Open the doors or I will reduce you to pebbles.
Oh, uh…
We accept your argument.
Very logical, yes.
Makes sense.
[chains clanging]
Uh… it's blocked.
Hmm. Those weren't there 80 years ago.
[nervous laugh]
[clears throat]
[crickets chirping]
Hmm, what do you do if I add just a touch of dirt,
bit more ooze, swirl it just so.
Hm. Not too sticky.
Ooh. Satiny. Supple.
Has a lovely "stretch" to it as well.
[gasps] You're perfect.
I think he might be trying to say something with his hands?
Uh, like that party game. Word-hands.
[grunts] How can anyone expect to make sense of these inane gestures?
-[soft snarls] -[Viren] That's complete nonsense.
No, I-I think there's, uh, maybe snake guy, pointy head?
Oh! I got it. Lizard in a hat.
You believe our cosmic guide is desperately trying to tell us:
"Lizard in a hat."
Well, did I get it?
[exasperated snarls]
-[chuckles] Good luck with that. -[Soren groans]
Uh, you know, you could just go the other way.
Whoa. Do not reveal the secret entrance.
[Zubeia] Secret entrance?
Why did you not tell us sooner?
Well, the back door isn't exactly dragon-sized.
It's more regular sized,
uh, for tiny, squishable creatures, like elves and humans.
We may be tiny and also squishable
but if there's a way to Rex Igneous, we're taking it.
The entrance lies in the Drakewood,
deep within the Uncharted Forest.
Do you have a-a-a map, or a set of directions, or…
Well, it is the Uncharted Forest.
Right. [chuckles] Got it.
Don't worry. We'll find the way.
You are very brave, young king.
But I must warn you,
when you find Rex Igneous, choose your words carefully.
Yes. The old dragon's got a bit of a temper.
Oh, annoy him and the ground shall rumble.
Irritate him or… [laughs]
stone shall shatter, lava shall boil.
-Infuriate him and… -You'll probably die.
We'll be fine. We have a way with grumpy monsters.
Good luck, little heroes.
Azymondias and I shall await you at the Storm Spire.
[Claudia] It's still trying to communicate.
Look, it's drawing something now. Like that other party game.
I am beginning to think Aaravos is toying with us.
There it is again!
[birds cawing]
Lizard in a hat?
Lizard… in… a… hat.
-Yeah, whoa. -[both laugh]
[stutters] That is clearly not a lizard. That's a…
It's a…
[Soren exhales]
Breathe it in, everyone.
You smell that?
It's the smell of adventure.
Callum, you with me, adventure.
Come on. Let's get our adventuring spirits up.
Anyone know any adventuring songs?
-Rayla, huh? -[shushes]
Okay, okay! Excuse me for trying to put a little pep in our step.
-[soft snarls] -No! Get down. Hide.
[suspenseful music playing]
Were those Earthblood elves?
Those are the Riders of the Drakewood.
At least we know we're in the right place.
Maybe they can help us find the back door.
I don't think so.
The Riders are known for viciously protecting their turf from trespassers,
and then throwing them into a hole called the Pit of Despair.
Okay. That sounds bad.
[sighs] Nothing else for it.
You all stay here and out of sight. I'll go search for the entrance.
[Soren] You can't just go off alone.
Okay. Fine.
Callum and I will go look for the entrance.
No. I'll stay with Ezran.
Soren, you go with Rayla.
-You want an adventure, right? -Oh.
Yeah. I suppose that works, too.
Good luck, Rayla.
[Ezran] You'll find it in no time.
Let the adventure begin.
[footsteps receding]
[Lucia] Am I under arrest?
For putting out a candle?
No. These guards are a precaution.
[scoffs] Precaution? Against what?
People are upset about what happened. About what you did.
Oh, they're mad at me? I'm the one who was injured.
I worked my hands raw for these elves,
and now look at what they've done to me.
I want to go back to my tent. I don't need your guards.
You should stay here.
You might not be safe.
What's going to happen to me, then?
Queen Janai will decide.
[Rayla grunts]
So, things are tense.
Yeah. Great evil about to be unleashed, potential end of the world and all that.
-I meant with you and Callum. -Nope.
We are not talking about this.
-[gibberish] -[grunts]
Look, when you left, it hurt him bad. Real bad.
He was miserable.
And now you're back.
That's kind of good, and it's kind of bad.
But it's mostly just weird.
And one thing I always say:
sometimes you need time to work through the weird.
And then it'll work out. Or not.
The heart do what it do, or don't what it don't.
Soren, what the…
-[snarling] -[gasps]
[evil laughter]
Watch carefully. This is how it's done.
You're too wild. Ya big dumb beast.
We'll break you. [grunts]
-We have to do something. -No.
We can't risk being seen.
I hate it too, but we have to keep moving.
Let's go!
But it's an innocent dragon, and he's hurting it.
-[laughter] -[slashes]
That was something you cared about. Didn't they call you a Dragonguard?
[emphatically] We can't save everyone, Soren.
There's too much at stake.
I'm leaving, and you better be right behind me.
[dragon groans]
Um, I think we've got enough firewood, Callum.
Huh? Oh. I'm sorry.
You look like you might have some big feelings.
This isn't a big feelings time, Ez.
We've gotta stay alert. We-we-we don't know what's out there.
[crickets chirping]
Just crickets. But don't worry.
They told me they're not the ambushing type.
-You okay? -Yeah.
I can't get it out of my head.
Whenever I close my eyes I'm back in that moment.
It was… awful.
Wow. I know you're hurting, but…
I'm sure Rayla doesn't mean to make you feel like that.
What? Rayla?
I'm talking about Aaravos.
You know, when he took over my whole body and used me like a puppet.
Oh. Oh, right, that makes a lot more sense.
You're right, though.
It feels silly with everything that's going on, but…
I don't know how to feel about Rayla, either.
She's been trying hard to get things back like they were.
But things aren't like they were.
And she messed them up, and when she came back, I was so happy…
but so mad at the same time.
I wish I could just forgive her, but it, it, it's so hard.
Lots of things are hard, Callum.
Like magic. But you figured that out, didn't you?
[sighs] Yeah.
Somehow, relationships seem harder.
-[evil laugh] -[Soren] Hey.
Pick on someone your own size.
This dragon is much bigger than me. Also, who are you?
I'm Soren.
And you're the first villain in my adventure.
[soft blow]
[both grunt]
[sword clanging]
[exhales] Yup.
-Oh. -[laughs]
[evil laugh]
Looks like you win.
What do you win? [grunts]
This fabulous gourd.
Oh. I completely forgot you were here.
You should run. Or fly.
You don't want to be here
when that kid comes back with more villain types.
-[shrieks] -Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hero here.
I'm trying to help you.
Go on, go. Go, scram. Sca-doodle.
-Ugh. -[shrieks]
Uh, easy now.
Oh, that's not good.
It wasn't a lizard in a hat.
it was "the dragon in the mountain."
He is leading us to Umber Tor,
home of the great Rex Igneous.
So the dragon must know where Aaravos is imprisoned.
[Terry] What a day.
You discovered something, and so did I.
The funnest substance known to man or elf.
I call it…
goofy goo.
[both gasp]
What happened? Where's Soren?
He's not back? We split up, and I assumed…
Oh, he's fine.
Watch, he'll come back reciting an epic poem about his adventuring.
He's probably late
because he's stuck thinking of a rhyme for "legendary heroics."
-[suspenseful music playing] -[Soren groans]
[grunts, groans]
I'm really sorry about throwing gourd goop on you.
[closing theme music playing]